particular date

[网络] 特定日期



  1. In particular, you can move some functionality out of MySQL into PHP, such as when doing date translation.
  2. Trouble was, in one particular case, the technical lead didn't always keep the model up to date with the source code.
  3. For each particular date, the script identifies which day of the week it is, using the function Weekday ( I).
  4. In particular, the date is one continuous string with no separating space between the date and the time parts.
  5. Each line item row references a particular part key and includes the quantity ordered, the date the parts were shipped, and the shipping method used.
  6. As At Date measures are a specialised variant of a normal measure which are calculated for a given date and can be used whenever a measure value is required for a particular date in the calendar only.
  7. If the particular day or date is a holiday, then the script does not increase the counter for the total working days.
  8. The data values are grouped into so-called slices of data, each of which provides a set of values corresponding to a particular processing date.
  9. There is always change and improvement, and there is always someone who bought a product before a particular cutoff date and misses the new price or the new operating system or the new whatever.
  10. Being up to particular standard or level especially in being up to date in knowledge.
  11. The exemption of a Member from its obligations under paragraph 1 of Article II of the Agreement with respect to a particular measure terminates on the date provided for in the exemption.
  12. The registration system will keep processing applications until the quota has been completed for a particular test date.
  13. Why did you pick that particular date to tie the knot?
  14. In particular, watch out for short date ranges. It's generally not a good idea to make keyword changes on the basis of a few days worth of data.
  15. From the details relating to this particular bill of lading, there is no requirement for a date of issuance;
  16. If you focus on some of the minutia of a site like this, you know, it's useful to be able to jump to a particular date whether in the future or in the past.
  17. Futures: An agreement to take or make delivery of a specific commodity or instrument on a particular date. The date of acceptance of this plant will be April sixth, nineteen eighty-four.
  18. The simplest solution would be to offer citizenship to all those resident in Britain at a particular date, in return for a similar offer to Britons living in other parts of Europe.
  19. To see the tasks that occur on a particular day, double-click that date in the calendar view. then, to see task details, double-click the task.
  20. A Receipt shows that you paid an amount of money on a particular date.
  21. If you experience such problems, please notify us BEFORE the deadline for a particular assignment and give us an estimated submission date.
  22. The Guidelines Manual in effect on a particular date shall be applied in its entirety.
  23. I don't want to tie myself down to coming back on a particular date.
  24. You need to know which version and iteration of each was used on a particular date for testing, a ramp-up run on the shop floor or was sent to a supplier.
  25. Do we need to specify any particular date?
  26. Tenderers who have been pre-qualified may update and augment the information supplied with their application for pre-qualification, and, in particular, shall give particulars of work in hand at the date of tendering. Investor Confidence, Investor Behavior and Investor Education Efficient
  27. Because data of date type is very particular, it is need to do some manipulations for applying general sorting function to realize date sorting.
  28. Open repurchase refers to the transaction in which the party which finances the funds sells its bond to that which produces the funds, appointing to buy back the bonds with an agreed price on a particular transaction date in the future.
  29. After that, in the particular aspects about consumption rate and proportion of population structure, using mixed date, combining with regression analysis and grey relational analysis, author investigates how the change of population age structure affects consumption level and structure.